This year, College Connect is partnering with Maritzburg College to provide the Grade 11 boys work experience which is a meaningful real-world experience to further develop and round their education.
If you / your business would like to get involved this year between Tuesday 26th of September – Friday 29th of September –click on this link and let us know:
Historically, this programme has not been well supported, with many boys not finding placements at all.
With 12K + Old Boys and a huge network of College owned businesses, we have a real opportunity to help College by providing a world class work experience programme.
The benefits for the boys are:
- First hand industry experience
- Networking Opportunities
- Career Exploration
- Soft Skills development (time keeping, communication, problem solving)
- Increased confidence by developing a sense of independence
- CV development – help the boys to leave school with some experience on the clock!
What you’d get:
- As many bright-eyed and bushy tailed Grade 11 boys as you have room to place
- No cost to your business: you don’t need to pay the boys, the programme is experience only
- You don’t have to place the boy/s for all four days, even if you have a day or two available, we would be grateful
- You don’t need to help with transport or food – however if you are in position to, that would be well received
Help us help the boys and grow our Old Boy Network!
Here is the link: if you would like to be involved in this year’s recruitment programme which takes place from Tuesday 26th of September – Friday 29th of September.